Monday, July 21, 2008

The blur of motion

Well its been a while readers.


Places to go, things to do...

Lets see on the 4th of July we went to Oma and Opa's and didnt manage to see a single firework..

It rained literally all day. From grey wet blanket kind of rain to Thor is bowling for dollars kind of rain. Oh well don't think the little man missed much as that kind of noise probably would not have gone over well.

Pictures from our adventure to WV.

Oh HT heard a blast from the past, I caught up with someone from HS. My how the years have passed.

This past weekend the whole Team went up to NJ to visit grandma and to help out around with stuff that needed to be done. Also to go to concert. (Hagar/Urban/Chesney) Wee left the wee man with Grandma. Aunt JM (who was in town for the concert

and work...

Lucky Girl....

She met us and we drove down to the LINC in Philly and saw the show. Not in the R8 :(. Unfortunately missed Sammy but Urban and Chesney put on damn fine shows. Esp. Chesney who when we went to see him last time at worst venue in America He sucked.

Sunday was busy I installed a new faucet for mum, with help from the wee man who was torn between books and helping...

Apologies to Auntie J

and a speed demon to be... I honestly didnt put him up to this one. He climbed into the car and got behind the wheel... sigh.......

And today we had fun in the sun and H2O....