Tuesday, March 25, 2008

German Shepards

HumanTeam's Good Friend Teb said the other day..

German Shepards don't have poodles..

And what in the name of Stan Lee does thi
s have to do with anything...

My kid is Wicked Smart. I am biased I kno
w but the wee man is pretty dang smart.

Given only of moments he figures stuff out.
(stairs, slides, doors, etc)

At a frightening pace. good and bad...


Here are some new pictures... some
shopped for humorous effect...


Gopher MPH said...

utterly adorable. especially the wallet.

STFU & GBTW said...

Haha I hope that you blurred it on purpose cause with some sharpening and difference of gaussian action I could almost make out your credit card number in that middle picture.

The Smiths Down Under said...

Hey, how cute!!! Wanted to let you know i'm running behind, as usual, but there is a package en route for the little one...love you guys!!