Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Ah the magic of TB XIV...

before the main event all the crew got together and reminisced. While the men where downstairs playing rock band. (which is crazy addictive and AWESOME game)

I hear a shout from Hambone's wife "C is walking!" I don't pause to stop because I think of course he is. As heard in a earlier post he is close to walking. One more shout and I find out that yes he is taking unassisted steps...

Whoa big deal! My bad. So he is on the cusp. He can take about 4 to 5 steps by himself and now you REALLY have to watch him.

So here are some photos from the weekend.Mrs. N helping C walk and avoid Roxy Dog

The spoils of victory the Guzzler Cup...

Starting him young
(and yes grandmas the cup was cleaned and empty)

Hanging out with older women...

So the wee man like to hang out with older women...

or maybe that is the luck of the draw that he has...
Photos of visits with big Al.

Learning to share

"of course I know where I am going...."

and a visit to KR the younger who name is the feminine derivative of C name so it was tough calling out names.

"Shaky Car" a big hit (we got one for him at the ol homestead)
Got love the disney marketing machine. C hasn't even seen Cars and he likes one of the Characters... or does he like the character from "Up in Smoke"

Friends in from the ATL

We had the fabulous Mr. CP in from hotlanta. He was in for work but was gracious enough to come visit Casa de Smith. The wee man was a bit skeptical at first but was won over by the fashion and conversation
"yeah i agree"

"No, I don't believe it either..."

Playing Outside (and Catch up)

We have been dark for a while so with a little bit of time I will catch up the photo stream and the goings on with the fam.

I was nice the other day so the wee man got taken outside...

He is such an outside kid he really dug being outside.